Museum of Senses

Informacije o franšiznem sistemu

Opis franšiznega sistema

Edutainment specialty museums are a niche on the market

Museum of Senses concept uniqueness:

  • integrated human senses as a „tool” to explore Museum exhibitions
  • implementation of local culture by providing localized visitor’s experience
  • target all generations from 3 to 90 years old

Museum of Senses business model as a franchise, partnership, or joint venture:

  • niche market that offers great potential
  • unique museum concept
  • diversified sales channels
  • marketing/Social media 
  • operating model

1. Proof point of potential – past financial performance

Financial data below relate strictly to past performance of the Museum of Senses network and does not predict or guaranty in any way future results of any location (mandatory to put as a disclaimer when communicating past financial performance).

Average sales 1.3 Mio. USD/year
Best location 1.5 Mio. USD/year sales
EBITDA 55% - 65%
Franchisee return on invested capital – from 6 to 18 months

2. Proof point of current potential

Experience, entertainment, edutainment – is among the top 3 industries that will expand in the post-Covid 19 period due to the simple fact that people are eager to have fun, to relax, and have great times with loved ones in amazing locations.

Lastne poslovne enote

Two units – Prague, CZ and Bucharest, RO

Franšize enote


Fotografija enote sistema
Informacije za franšizije

Podpora za franšizije

  • Museum of Senses hendls all set up activities and provide strategic partners on daily basis with know-how and support in all segments of running the Museum of Senses concept.
  • Comprehensive Operational Ongoing Support
  • Training and Expertise

Ocenjena skupna vrednost naložb

First, let’s address why one should invest in the Museum of Senses concept:

  • Edutainment concept with modern experience design = huge niche with very low competition
  • The broadest possible targets = higher and diverse revenues streams
  • All year round interesting = easier operations, steadier cash flow
  • Easy to manage attraction = low, controllable costs
  • Relatively small investment = fast ROI Global topic
  • Your success is our success = top-level support
  • Perfect timing =  industriy that will expand in the post-Covid 19 period

Total investment depends on the size of the location that can vary from 250 m2 to over 1.000m2 and up, condition of the location, and implemented mix of exhibitions concept. The initial investment can start from 200.000 Euro.

Osnovne sistemske zahteve

  • individuals who can share the passion for the Museum of Senses brand
  • specific qualities such as ambition, energy, and high motivation to succeed
  • has an astute business mind, an enterprising attitude, and a proven background of growing a successful business ideally within the franchising and entertainment sector (highly desirable, but not essential)
  • to have available resources to invest in a franchise concept, partnership, or joint venture and future growth.
  • to have a strong commitment to customer service and visitors' experience

Informacije o franšizorju

6S Entertainment d.o.o.

Visnjevac 18, Zagreb, Croatia

+385 91 6210600

Kontaktna oseba za kandidate

Gabrijela Grgic Bartowski (english


Dodatne informacije

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Najbolj brano

Podatki, navedeni v katalogu prihajajo iz samih sistemov. Pred podpisom sporazumov o sodelovanju, vsak kandidat naj bi preveril sistem. Uredniki si pridržujejo pravico, da preverijo podrobnosti o sistemu, ter informacije, vsebovane v katalogu. Če se vam zdi, da so podatki netočni ali zastareli, prosimo, obvestite uredništvo.