Informacije o franšiznem sistemu
Opis franšiznega sistema
"INTEKO" is a company founded back in 1994, with the intention of providing clients with comprehensive support in the construction, reconstruction, adaptation and maintenance of sports fields and facilities.
Our sports materials and systems are implemented in over 3,000 sports fields/facilities across Europe and the USA.
Today, sport is a very important segment of life, not only for professionals but also for people who play sports as amateurs and for recreation purposes. Sport consists of fitness, pleasure, happiness, desire, willingness… while high quality sports surfaces and fields help athletes to present all these experiences with the best performance. Our passion for sports obliges us to create sports fields and facilities that are innovative and safe. Above all, we believe in people and that results can be achieved with effort and passion.
That's why we love sports.
- Exclusivity for the sales of sports fields/surfaces, sport halls and sport facilities reconstructions
- Revenues from the sale of sports grounds, halls and concluded reconstruction works
- Exclusivity in negotiating and communicating with clients under the INTEKO brand
- No previous experience is required
- Motivated income and earnings
- INTEKO PARTNER defines its working hours as desired
- There are no costs for warehouses, offices, materials, or operating costs
- There are no hidden additional investment costs, all costs are covered
- INTEKO makes money for you and instead of you. Clients can be reached in two ways:
- Active - based on PARTNER's business commitment
- Passive - INTEKO forwards to Inteko PARTNERS the requirements of potential clients (rotation system)
- The Starter Kit contains all the marketing materials needed to start a business
- Free ongoing training to improve sales knowledge, marketing and negotiation skills, etc.
- Support to the Franchise Partner in building a network of clients as large as possible
- International brand, marketing and promo support: stands, participation on a different world expos, web banners, advertisements, social media, etc.
- The Inteco franchise model was created for ambitious people who want to collaborate with other talented business people in order to create an energetic and dynamic environment.
Fotografija enote sistema
Informacije za franšizije
Podpora za franšizije
- Using a brand and trademark
- Inteko Know-How
- Training: sales, marketing, negotiation
- Inteko General Marketing & sales strategy
- Possibility to use our offices
- Forwarding clients and projects from headquarters (Passive, rotation)
- Marketing support: fairs, sponsorships, banners, advertisements, catalogs, business cards
- Individual ideas (approved by Inteko)
Ocenjena skupna vrednost naložb
- Operational costs: 0 EUR
- Investments (material, office, warehouse): 0 EUR
- Franchise License: 1.200 EUR
- The investment pays in the first year
Osnovne sistemske zahteve
- Motivated, decision making type
- Passion for sports and entrepreneurship
- Kind
- Organized, responsible
- Laptop and mobile phone
Informacije o franšizorju
Kontaktna oseba za kandidate
Dejan Cekić (english)
Dodatne informacije
Preberite članke
Najbolj brano
Pressto, španska veriga za kemično čiščenje in druga specializirana čiščenja, z več kot 500 franšiznimi poslovalnicami, je eden od največjih franšiznih sistemov na svetu. Prejemnike master franšize zdaj iščejo tudi v tej regiji.
Kako poslujejo samopostrežne pralnice perila, kako privlačen je ta posel za ljudi ter koliko se lahko zasluži, govori lastnik hrvaškega podjetja Beli svet (Bijeli svijet) Mario Martinek.
Green Motion, eokološko usmerjena rent-a-car franšiza, po Srbiji, Hrvaški ter Bosni in Hercegovini, vstopa tudi na slovensko tržišče.
Ko se je odprla prva pekarna za pse v Sloveniji, je bila to prava senzacija. Lastnica koncepta Nastja Verdnik je hitro razvila in ponudila svojo prvo franšizo.
Haircut Express je, kot sugerira že samo ime, frizerski salon za hitro striženje. Koncept izvira iz Ukrajine, s širjenjem izven matičnega trga pa začenjajo z udeležbo na Sejmu franšiz v Varšavi.
Pogodba o franšizingu je temelj na katerem se gradi odnos med franšizorjem in franšizijem.
Evropski kodeks etike za franšizing ( vsebuje zbirko pravil ravnanja članov nacionalnih franšiznih združenj, pogojev za vstop in ravnanje včlanjenih franšiznih družb.
Podjetnik, ki želi postati franšizij in v poslovnem smislu prevzeti franšizni sistem, lahko pričakuje številne ugodnosti
Franšizing je izraz, ki pomeni obliko sodelovanja med partnerji, na podlagi določenih vrst licenčnih pogodb, ki postaja vse bolj priljubljeni način v različnih zvrsteh podjetništva. K franšizingu je možno uvrstiti tudi vrsto oblik podjetništva, ki temeljijo na distribucijskih ali agencijskih pogodbah.
Franšizni paket je bistvo franšiznega sistema, saj vsebuje vse - celoten poslovni koncept, ki ga ponuja franšizor.
Slovensko podjetje Ekosen, ki je specializirano za prodajo in momtažo varčnih grelnih panelov, se pripravlja s franšizo osvojiti vsaj deset novih tržišč.
Češko podjetje Senior Agency išče partnerje za razvoj franšiznega programa World Senior Card v regiji.
Podatki, navedeni v katalogu prihajajo iz samih sistemov. Pred podpisom sporazumov o sodelovanju, vsak kandidat naj bi preveril sistem. Uredniki si pridržujejo pravico, da preverijo podrobnosti o sistemu, ter informacije, vsebovane v katalogu. Če se vam zdi, da so podatki netočni ali zastareli, prosimo, obvestite uredništvo.